Here are some few tips that I used to practice to Feel Good.
1. One has to have a positive mind and realise that one's thoughts and attitude creates one's feelings.
2. Regular breakfast - Nutritious food improves one's mood, boosts memory and immunity.
3. Regular physical exercise (at least 30 minutes) everyday. Endorphins - feel good hormones - which are released by the brain in response to exercise improve mood, relieve stress and produce an overall feeling of wellbeing.
4. Exercise the brain by doing crosswords/puzzles, hobbies. Learn problem-solving techniques.
5. Spend times in silence.
6. Make friends, make someone feel good.
7. Learn to recognise and handle stress.
8. Take breaks/holidays.
9. Self-appreciation - reward your acheivements.
10. Accept responsibilities for your health - be regualr with health checkups, modify lifestyle as advised by the professionals.
11. Smile - a happy face has a positive effect in forming and maintaining relationships.
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